Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 9, 2012 ~ Friday

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We left the girls home and drove to the beach.  Judy found an intact Sand Dollar which is very rare......we decided to drive the 9 miles to a beach I was on a lot as a kid, Devil's Elbow.  We got there and paid our $5.00 fee to park there and I was soon wishing I'd looked around before I paid the money.

I have NO IDEA how or why all the rocks are on the's hard to believe they washed up on the shore......BUT, they are so big that it's hard to walk on the beach and we left soon as it hurt Judy's heel to try to walk there. 

I just wanted to cry.  It was an  amazing beach and my kids and grandkids have had the same fun playing there as I did when I was young. 

How used to be the nicest sandy beach!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just think-- in a few thousand years, those rocks WILL be sand ;-)
