Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011 ~Thursday

I booked reservations through Thousand Trails for Verde Valley, AZ which is near Sedona.  We are going up there for two weeks, leaving after Judy's infusion the first week in October.  We are both so excited about the idea of going up there.  We will take the 5th wheel up...should be just a short day's trip up there.

It looks like Judy's Dad will be going back to his own home from the hospital.  Sara will be here until next Tuesday which gives Judy a good break, although today she and Mary have spent the day staging their Dad's house to have photos taken for the listing in the next couple days.

The weather is starting to cool down which is so wonderful....who thought I'd EVER think the low 90s would be cooler..........come on 75 but watch me...I will probably be COLD!

So, things are looking up and I couldn't be happier about it!

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011 ~ Monday

A first this was actually CHILLY outside at 6:30 am.  Of course, I must admit, I rarely am up to check the temp at that hour of the day.

Judy's Dad has been in the hospital since Saturday.  His potassium is critically low and they are having trouble raising it up to a normal level.  Judy read on the internet yesterday that it can be a side effect of the Multiple Meyloma.  They also saw "something" in his lung and haven't decided what it is.  A pulmonary doctor will see him today so maybe more answers today.

Judy is exhausted.  She gets to the hospital at 6:30am and leaves at 8 pm.  The first night she wanted to stay the night but her back just wouldn't allow it.  It's really increasing her pain level to be there all day but of course, she will stay, inspite of her own pain.  Everyone should have children who love their parents as much as Judy loves hers.

I had a wonderful trip to OR.  I had missed eating out and between my family and friends, I ate out at least once a day and often, twice.  Tammy was the perfect hostess and we had so much fun, laughhng and being silly.  We went to Sweet Home with Suzy to see her adorable grandson, Ryder James who is, of course, my first adorable great grandchild.

Tammy and I took Sadie, Emma, and Bradyn to the beach for the day. The kids were so good and provided a lot of laughs.  I had Sadie throw out some popcorn for the Seagulls and of course they swarmed us.  Tammy totally FREAKED OUT which delighted the kids.......I was laughing so hard I about wet my pants!  FUNNY!

Sadie Rose  15

Emma Sue 8

Bradyn Ryan 7

Aunt Tammy and Sadie.......Sadie, now you know where you got them there eyes!

Can you tell where my sandels cover my feet?


We visited my parents at the cemetery.....there was a symbol on my Dad's portion to indicate he was a WII vet......all the service members had them.....Bradyn wanted to know what it was and I told him...later on, he said to Emma "Hey Emma, let go find some more veterinarians!"

It was a much needed mental health break and I came home happily exhausted but ready for life here once again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011 ~ Wednesday

Monday I drove up to Phoenix and spent the night in a Hilton by the airport.  I didn't want to make that drive in the dark; didn't know where I was going! I didn't see any "larger" animals on the way up, despite all the signs warning to watch out for them but did have several Road Runners run out in front of me.  I always think of my Dad when I see them....he really loved Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner cartoons! 

My room was really nice but I couldn't go to sleep...I think I was afraid I would "over-sleep" and miss my flight.  I finally got to sleep sometime after 1 am and had to get up at 4:30 am......YAWN!

I had an "uneventful" flight to Portland and then caught a little "puddle-jumper" down to Eugene.  It was cool and overcast in Portland and about the same in Eugene.  I was LOVIN' the weather!!

I didn't have anyone sit next to me on either flight so I slept a  little and read a little.

Tammy picked me up at the airport and we stopped at Olive Garden for lunch and then ran a couple errands.  I was really tired so we had a very early night!

Today, Tammy had to work and a HS friend of mine, Cheryl, picked me up and we ran a couple errands and had some really good Chinese food for lunch.  She took me over to her house to "visit" flowers that I had given to her before we left.  They were beautiful and obviously, liked their new home!

Tomorrow Tammy has the day off; we may go to a couple antique places......she loves really old RUSTIC antique stuff....I will take some photos of her place and post so you can's very cozy and homey in her apartment!

More later!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 4, 2011 ~ Sunday

Just when I think I've seen everything I see something that leaves me with my jaw on the floor.

I was driving to the mall the other day when I see this guy on a motorcycle.....he is texting with both hands while his motorcycle is going down the road at 50 mph!!!! OMG

Another TEXT CRASH DUMMY waiting to happen!!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1, 2011 ~ Thursday

I wish I had my camera at Judy's Dad's house today......

One of the projects the realtor said needed done before the house was listed was to resurface the driveway and garage floor.  Everyone has to enter the house by going down either side of the house to the back. 

This am, Judy and  her sister Mary saw one of the workers go down the side and then come right back out.....they thought he was acting a little odd but didn't think much more about it and went down the same side he had just come from.  Judy said she took about two steps and walked into some really sticky concrete surfacing......they had done the AC pad at the side of the house along with the driveway and garage floor.  Judy had no clue they were going to do that, she got "unstuck" from it, cleaned off her shoe and finished taking stuff to the back.  They had to make a second trip and Judy was avoiding the AC pad this time when Mary said "Oh look, is that baby lizard stuck on the AC pad?" 

Judy  hadn't noticed as she passed but when she turned around to look, her heart sunk.  There, on the pad was a little lizard, totally stuck in the coating.  She said all four legs were stuck, his tail and belly were stuck and even his poor little chin was stuck. 

I asked her if she was able to get him "unstuck" without pulling his skin off in the process.  She said it took quite awhile but she was able to successfully "unstick" him without seeming to hurt him in the process.  She held him in her hand and took him next door to let him loose so he wouldn't accidently run into the coating again and re-stick himself.

As she got into the neighbor's yard, he reached over and bit her.  She said it didn't hurt at all, he didn't have teeth and she just felt some pressure but it startled her and she nearly dropped him.  She sat him on the ground and she said he tore off at about a hundred miles an hour and disappeared in the far reaches of the neighbor's yard.

Another successful rescue for tender hearted Judy ~ It's one of the many things I love about her.   I so wish I could have recorded it with my camera.

My day wasn't nearly so special.  I did three loads of laundry and ran some errands after Judy got home.  I still love hanging the clothes on the line so I guess some of it was GOOD!  :)